Dealing with Common Pediatric Dental Issues: Tips for Parents

Posted on October 16, 2023

Dental issues are common with many children, but that doesn’t make them less concerning as a parent. Knowing what to expect and how to help your child if they are affected by these common issues can help relieve your worries. Let’s look at the most common pediatric dental issues and how to help them.


Cavities are very common in younger children. A cavity will happen when bacteria in your child’s mouth can break down the enamel on their teeth. If left untreated, this can cause tooth sensitivity, pain, and even tooth decay.

To help prevent cavities, ensure that your child is brushing their teeth twice every day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily. Also, limit the number of sugary drinks and snacks they consume, as the sugar can raise their chance of a cavity.

If your child complains about tooth pain or sensitivity, take them to their dentist for an examination. If they have a cavity, they will likely have a filling put into the cavity to help solve the issue.


Beginning around six to 12 months old, babies will begin teething, or having their teeth erupt through their gums. Once they begin teething, they will continue in stages until they’re about three years old.

Teething is an uncomfortable process, but it’s also a necessary process. While you can’t prevent teething, you can try to make your child more comfortable as they are cutting teeth.

Offering teething rings to chew on and a gum massage can help give counter pressure to the gum and provide temporary pain relief. Avoid numbing gels, as they can be dangerous for your infant.

Once your baby has their first tooth, they need to see their dentist for their first visit. Their dentist can check that teeth are coming in the way they should. Of course, if you have concerns about your child’s teething, a pediatric dentist can help.

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a normal developmental habit for infants and young children. If they aren’t sucking their thumb anymore by the age of five, there should be no long-term complications.

However, thumb sucking after five can cause the alignment of your child’s teeth and jaw to change. This change can lead to misaligned teeth, which can lead to the need for braces, issues with bite alignment, and other concerns.

To help prevent thumb sucking, try offering positive reinforcement when your child isn’t sucking their thumb. You can also provide them with fidgeting toys or other things they can do with their hands to avoid sucking their thumb.

Pediatric Dentists Can Help

Your child should be seen for a dental checkup every six months once they’ve cut their first tooth. If your child is expressing pain or sensitivity in a tooth, it’s important to bring them in before the problem gets worse.

At Nevada Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to make every dental visit a happy experience for your child. Contact us with any concerns because we’re here for you.


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